complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) tagged posts

Unexpected link between Choroid Plexus, Chronic Pain

The choroid plexus located in the brain ventricle is marked with red in the brain image. The volume of the choroid plexus was measured in this work. The dots in the graph show the volume of the choroid plexus in patients with CRPS (on the left) and healthy control subjects (on the right). Credit: Image courtesy of Aalto University

The choroid plexus located in the brain ventricle is marked with red in the brain image. The volume of the choroid plexus was measured in this work. The dots in the graph show the volume of the choroid plexus in patients with CRPS (on the left) and healthy control subjects (on the right). Credit: Image courtesy of Aalto University

Neuroscientists have found a novel connection between the size of the choroid plexus in the brain and complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), an unexpected finding, they say. ‘When studying magnetic resonance images of the brains of patients suffering from CRPS, we noticed that the choroid plexus was nearly 1/5 larger in patients than in healthy control subjects,’ says Postdoctoral Researcher Guangyu Zhou.

Located in the walls of the brain ventricles, the choroid ...

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