controlling electron speed tagged posts

Electrons at the Speed Limit: how fast electrons can ultimately be controlled with electric fields

A short laser pulse travels through a diamond (black spheres) and excites electrons inside it. The strength of the excitation is measured using an attosecond ultraviolet pulse (violet). Credit: Matteo Lucchini, Copyright ETH Zurich

A short laser pulse travels through a diamond (black spheres) and excites electrons inside it. The strength of the excitation is measured using an attosecond ultraviolet pulse (violet). Credit: Matteo Lucchini, Copyright ETH Zurich

These insights are important for petahertz electronics of the future. Today’s electronic circuits already routinely work at frequencies of several gigahertz (a billion oscillations per second) up to terahertz (a thousand billion oscillations). Modern computers are as powerful as they are because tiny switches inside them steer electric currents in fractions of a billionth of a second...

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