controlling magnetism tagged posts

Spintronics: Molecules open up unexpected Possibility of Controlling Magnetism of Materials & thus, Spin of Flowing Electrons

The magnetic moments of the three organic molecules and the cobalt surface align very stably relative to each other. Credit: M. Gruber, KIT

The magnetic moments of the three organic molecules and the cobalt surface align very stably relative to each other.
Credit: M. Gruber, KIT

A thin layer of organic molecules can stabilize the magnetic orientation of a cobalt surface. “This special interaction between organic molecules and metal surfaces could help to manufacture information storage systems in a more simple, flexible and cheaper way,” explains Wulf Wulfhekel from KIT. Microscopic magnets with constant orientation are used in hard disks, for example. With a view to “printable electronics,” organic molecules indeed could open up new simple production methods utilizing the self-organization of molecules.

METHOD: 3 molecular layers of the dye phtalocynine were applied to the surface of ferromagnetic cobalt...

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