convection zone tagged posts

Sun’s Magnetic Field during the Grand Minimum is in fact at its Maximum

About 80 solar cycles seen from the surface, i.e. more than 1,000 years in solar time, modelled by means of a computer simulation. At 20-50 years in simulation time, a simulated grand minimum occurs, which in actual fact is the maximum of magnetic energy. Credit: Image courtesy of Aalto University

About 80 solar cycles seen from the surface, i.e. more than 1,000 years in solar time, modelled by means of a computer simulation. At 20-50 years in simulation time, a simulated grand minimum occurs, which in actual fact is the maximum of magnetic energy. Credit: Image courtesy of Aalto University

The study of the Sun’s long-term variation over a millennium by means of super computer modelling showed that during a time period of the Maunder Minimum type, the magnetic field may hide at the bottom of the convection zone. The study seeks explanation for the mechanisms underlying the long-term variation in solar activity. The recently published study was carried out by running a global computer model of the Sun on Finland’s most powerful super computer over 6 months.

‘The Sun has an 11-year cy...

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