core neurons tagged posts

Mapping the Circuit of our Internal Clock

Before the delivery of the neurotoxin (left) the SCN oscillate in a synchronized pattern. After the delivery of the neurotoxin (right), neurons in the SCN oscillate randomly. Credit: Image courtesy of the Doyle Lab

Before the delivery of the neurotoxin (left) the SCN oscillate in a synchronized pattern. After the delivery of the neurotoxin (right), neurons in the SCN oscillate randomly. Credit: Image courtesy of the Doyle Lab

For the 1st time it has been shown how neurons in the SCN are connected to each other, shedding light on this vital area of the brain. Understanding this structure – and how it responds to disruption – is important for tackling illnesses like diabetes and PTSD. The scientists have also found that disruption to these rhythms such as shifts in work schedules or blue light exposure at night can negatively impact overall health...

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