cortical neural precursors tagged posts

Zika Virus Infects Human Neural Stem Cells

Zika virus infects human neural stem cells

This image shows cell death of the human neural progenitor cells (hNPCs) is mark by cleaved caspase 3 in red, the nuclei of hNPCs are labeled by DAPI in white/grey, and the ZIKA virus is labeled by ZIKA virus envelope protein in green. Credit: Sarah C. Ogden

The Zika virus infects a type of neural stem cell that gives rise to the brain’s cerebral cortex. On laboratory dishes, these stem cells were found to be havens for viral reproduction, resulting in cell death and/or disruption of cell growth. While this study does not prove the direct link between Zika and microcephaly, it does pinpoint where the virus may be doing the most damage.

The researchers from Johns Hopkins, Florida State Uni and Emory University School of Medicine, worked around the clock for a month to conduct the study, whi...

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