cosmological principle (CP) tagged posts

Surprising Giant Ring-like Structure in the Universe

An image of the distribution of GRBs on the sky at a distance of 7 billion light years, centred on the newly discovered ring. The positions of the GRBs are marked by blue dots and the Milky Way is indicated for reference, running from left to right across the image. Credit: L. Balazs.

An image of the distribution of GRBs on the sky at a distance of 7 billion light years, centred on the newly discovered ring. The positions of the GRBs are marked by blue dots and the Milky Way is indicated for reference, running from left to right across the image. Credit: L. Balazs.

5 billion light years is a distance almost inconceivable, even on a cosmic scale ie 35,000 galaxies the size of our Milky Way are needed to cover that distance. Hungarian-U.S. team have now found a structure this big really exists in the observable universe.

The researchers found a ring of 9 gamma ray bursts (GRBs)—the most luminous events in the universe—5B light yrs in diameter, and having a nearly regular circular shape, with a 1 in 20,000 probability of the GRBs being in this distribution by chance...

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