CPEB1 tagged posts

Scientists reveal the Mechanism of Skeletal Muscle Stem Cell Activation in Muscle Regeneration

Discordant proteomic and transcriptomic signatures reveal a potential translational control mechanism during the SC quiescence-to-activation transition. a Schematic illustration of the workflow for the proteomic analysis of FACS-isolated SCs. The SCs were sorted from Pax7-nGFP mice. QSCs were sorted from 0.5% PFA-perfused mice. fiSCs were sorted from unperfused mice. Injured ASCs (iASCs) were sorted from 3 days 1.2% BaCl2 injured mice. Cultured ASCs (cASCs) were 2 days cultured SCs. (n = 2 independent experiments). b Hierarchical clustering of the protein expression (in the number of spectra) for QSCs, fiSCs, iASCs, and cASCs. c Heatmap of representative expression for cell cycle, quiescence, and activation-specific proteins of QSCs, fiSCs, iASCs, and cASCs...
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