CSB tagged posts

Identification of a Key Protein linked to Aging

Fig. 8
Scheme: role of CSB depletion in replicative senescence. Illustration of epigenetic regulation of CSB expression and its effect on downstream targets (a) regular CSB expression (b) low CSB levels leading to replicative senescence. Novel senescence effectors that are shared with the Cockayne syndrome paradigm (a disease due to CSB impairment in its most severe form) are shown in a framed area. Transcripts are indicated with a wavy line, active promoter with an arrow; Ac, acetyl group.

Ageing is a dramatic public health issue in the face of the current demographic changes: the proportion of 60 and over in the world’s population will almost double by 2050. In this context, a new discovery has just broadened scientific knowledge...

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