Cu2IrO3 tagged posts

A Quantum Spin Liquid

Scientists from Boson College and Harvard turned to copper to create a first-of-its-kind iridate -- Cu2IrO3 -- where the natural magnetic order is disrupted, a state known as geometric frustration. Credit: Boston College

Scientists from Boson College and Harvard turned to copper to create a first-of-its-kind iridate – Cu2IrO3 – where the natural magnetic order is disrupted, a state known as geometric frustration. Credit: Boston College

Honeycomb lattice meets elusive standards of the Kitaev model. Researchers from Boston College and Harvard have created an elusive honeycomb-structured material capable of frustrating the magnetic properties within it in order to produce a chemical entity known as “spin liquid,” long theorized as a gateway to the free-flowing properties of quantum computing, according to a new report in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.

The first-of-its-kind copper iridate metal oxide – Cu2IrO3 – is one where the natural magnetic order is disrupted, a state known as geometric fru...

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