Cut Data Center Electricity tagged posts

Breakthrough in Computer Chip Energy Efficiency could Cut Data Center Electricity use

PhD student Jessica Peterson and Professor John Conley discussing the operation of one of his group’s atomic layer deposition (ALD) systems.

Researchers at Oregon State University and Baylor University have made a breakthrough toward reducing the energy consumption of the photonic chips used in data centers and supercomputers.

The findings are important because a data center can consume up to 50 times more energy per square foot of floor space than a typical office building, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.

A data center houses an organization’s information technology operations and equipment; it stores, processes and disseminates data and applications. Data centers account for roughly 2% of all electricity use in the United States, the DOE says.

According to the U.S. International Trade Commission, the number of data centers has risen rapidly as data demand has soared...

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