D-Wave Advantage processor tagged posts

Team demonstrates Quantum Advantage on Optimization problems with a 5,000-qubit Programmable Spin Glass

Team demonstrates quantum advantage on optimization problems with a 5000-qubit programmable spin glass
The D-Wave Advantage processor, with more than 5,000 qubits and 40,000 programmable couplers, was used to demonstrate coherent annealing through a quantum phase transition, giving a speedup over simulated annealing. Credit: D-Wave

Over the past decades, researchers and companies worldwide have been trying to develop increasingly advanced quantum computers. The key objective of their efforts is to create systems that will outperform classical computers on specific tasks, which is also known as realizing “quantum advantage.”

A research team at D-Wave Quantum Inc., a Canadian quantum computing company, recently created a new quantum computing system that outperforms classical computing systems on optimization problems...

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