Dark energy tagged posts

Dark Energy ‘Doesn’t Exist’ so Can’t be Pushing ‘Lumpy’ Universe Apart, Physicists Say

One of the biggest mysteries in science—dark energy—doesn’t actually exist, according to researchers looking to solve the riddle of how the universe is expanding.

Their analysis has been published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters.

For the past 100 years, physicists have generally assumed that the cosmos is growing equally in all directions. They employed the concept of dark energy as a placeholder to explain unknown physics they couldn’t understand, but the contentious theory has always had its problems.

Now a team of physicists and astronomers at the university of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand are challenging the status quo, using improved analysis of supernovae light curves to show that the universe is expanding in a mor...

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The Dark Energy Pushing our Universe Apart may not be what it seems, scientists say

The dark energy pushing our universe apart may not be what it seems, scientists say
This Dec. 14, 2023 image made available by NOIRLab shows meteors from the Geminid meteor shower streaking across the sky above the Nicholas U. Mayall Telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO), a Program of NSF’s NOIRLab, in Tucson, Ariz. Credit: NSF’s NOIRLab via AP

Distant, ancient galaxies are giving scientists more hints that a mysterious force called dark energy may not be what they thought.

Astronomers know that the universe is being pushed apart at an accelerating rate and they have puzzled for decades over what could possibly be speeding everything up. They theorize that a powerful, constant force is at play, one that fits nicely with the main mathematical model that describes how the universe behaves...

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NASA’s Roman Mission Gets Cosmic ‘Sneak Peek’ From Supercomputers

This graphic highlights part of a new simulation of what NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope could see when it launches by May 2027. The background spans about 0.11 square degrees (roughly equivalent to half of the area of sky covered by a full Moon), representing less than half the area Roman will see in a single snapshot. The inset zooms in to a region 300 times smaller, showcasing a swath of brilliant synthetic galaxies at Roman’s full resolution. Having such a realistic simulation helps scientists study the physics behind cosmic images –– both synthetic ones like these and future real ones. Researchers will use the observations for many types of science, including testing our understanding of the origin, evolution, and ultimate fate of the universe.
C. Hirata and K...
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Why is the Universe Ripping Itself Apart? A new study shows Dark Energy may be more complicated than we thought

A small star slurping material from a much larger one.
In a Type Ia supernova, a white dwarf slowly pulls mass from a neighboring star before exploding. NASA / JPL-CaltechCC BY

What is the universe made of? This question has driven astronomers for hundreds of years.

For the past quarter of a century, scientists have believed “normal” stuff like atoms and molecules that make up you, me, Earth, and nearly everything we can see only accounts for 5% of the universe. Another 25% is “dark matter”, an unknown substance we can’t see but which we can detect through how it affects normal matter via gravity.

The remaining 70% of the cosmos is made of “dark energy”. Discovered in 1998, this is an unknown form of energy believed to be making the universe expand at an ever-increasing rate.

In a new study soon to be published in the Astronom...

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