Dark Energy Survey telescope tagged posts

Scientists release newly Accurate Map of all the Matter in the Universe

Two views of the sky side-by-side with dark and lighter spots
By comparing maps of the sky from the Dark Energy Survey telescope (at left) with data from the South Pole Telescope and the Planck satellite (at right), the team could infer how the matter is distributed.
Image courtesy Yuuki Omori

Analysis combines Dark Energy Survey, South Pole Telescope data to understand evolution of universe. A group of scientists have released one of the most precise measurements ever made of how matter is distributed across the universe.

When the universe began, matter was flung outward and gradually formed the planets, stars and galaxies that we know and love today. By carefully assembling a map of that matter today, scientists can try to understand the forces that shaped the evolution of the universe.

A group of scientists, including several with the Uni...

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