destruction of a star tagged posts

The Brightest Flash of Light in the Cosmos could be a rare event involving a Star and a Supermassive Black Hole

In just the right conditions, the destruction of a star in a black hole's gravitational tide should produce an unusual flash of light. Credit: Chandra/Harvard

In just the right conditions, the destruction of a star in a black hole’s gravitational tide should produce an unusual flash of light. Credit: Chandra/Harvard

When astronomers and astrophysicists observe flashes of light in the dark sky, they assume they have seen a supernova. Possibly a star has burnt up its supply of nuclear fuel and collapsed, throwing off its outer layers into space; or maybe a dense white dwarf siphoned off material from a companion star until it exploded from excess weight. But a flash of light observed on June 14, 2015 did not fit any of the usual models.

For one thing, the intensity of the light was double that of the brightest supernova recorded up to that point. So astrophysicists were already asking what process could have caused it...

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