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Boeing has patented technology to 3D print objects while Levitating in Space.

Boeing eyes 3D printing objects levitating in space

Has Boeing been exploring the printing of 3D printing of levitating objects? Yes, Boeing has patented technology to 3D print objects while levitating in space. PatentYogi has presented a video that explains what Boeing had in mind in their patent application, first filed in 2014.

PatentYogi has presented a video that explains what Boeing had in mind in their patent application, first filed in 2014. Multiple 3d printers are used to simultaneously print various features. The material has diamagnetic properties. PatentYogi said that when super-cooled, the printing material becomes a superconductor.

MOA: A nugget of the printing material is ejected into space; magnetic levitation holds it in place; further deposition begins...

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