dicyanoanthracene (DCA) tagged posts

Star attraction: Magnetism generated by Star-like Arrangement of Molecules- Atomic-scale ‘kagome’ geometry switches on magnetism in a 2D organic material.

The star-like ‘kagome’ molecular structure of the 2D metal-organic material results in strong electronic interactions and non-trivial magnetic properties (left: STM image, right: non-contact AFM).

A new study demonstrating the emergence of localized magnetism due to a 2D nanomaterial’s unique, star-like atomic-scale structure has potential for applications in next-generation electronics based on organic nanomaterials, where tuning of electronic interactions can lead to a vast range of new electronic and magnetic phases.

A 2D nanomaterial consisting of organic molecules linked to metal atoms in a specific atomic-scale geometry shows non-trivial electronic and magnetic properties due to strong interactions between its electrons.

A new study, published today, shows the emergence...

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