diet tagged posts

Lifestyle has a strong impact on Intestinal bacteria, which has a strong impact on Health

People who regularly consume yogurt or buttermilk have a greater diversity of gut bacteria. Credit: © / Fotolia

People who regularly consume yogurt or buttermilk have a greater diversity of gut bacteria. Credit: © / Fotolia

A large-scale study into the effect of food and medicine on the bacterial diversity in the human gut was led by RUG/UMCG geneticist Cisca Wijmenga. Researchers collected stool samples from more than 1100 people taking part in the LifeLines programme, which is monitoring the health of 165,000 residents of the Northern Netherlands. The samples were used to analyze the DNA of the bacteria and other organisms that live in the gut. In addition to stools, the study collected information on the participants’ diet, medicine-use and health.

This study is unique in that it focused on a group of normal people whereas previous research was frequently focused on patients wi...

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Heart Failure Improvements with Diet and Exercise


Doctors have shown the benefits of a healthy diet and exercise in patients with heart failure. The annual congress of the Mexican Society of Cardiology is being held in Acapulco from 21 to 25 November 2015. Experts from the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) will present a special programme

In Mexico there are 750,000 patients living with heart failure and the problem is growing. It is estimated that 75,000 more patients will get heart failure each year. “Just 25% of men and 38% of women with heart failure in Mexico will be alive after 5 years,” said Dr Arturo Orea...

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