disperse semiconducting nanotubes tagged posts

Researchers Resolve a Problem holding back a Technological Revolution: purifying CNTs

Artistic rendition of a metallic carbon nanotube being pulled into solution, in analogy to the work described by the Adronov group.

Artistic rendition of a metallic carbon nanotube being pulled into solution, in analogy to the work described by the Adronov group.

Imagine an electronic newspaper that you could roll up and spill your coffee on, even as it updated itself before your eyes. It’s an example of the technological revolution that has been waiting to happen. Researchers at McMaster University have developed a new way to purify carbon nanotubes – smaller, flexible semiconductors expected to replace silicon within computer chips and a wide array of electronics. “Once we have a reliable source of pure nanotubes that are not very expensive, a lot can happen very quickly,” says Prof Adronov.

A major problem standing in the way of the new technology, however, has been untangling metallic and semiconducting carbon nano...

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