Distance Wireless Charging tagged posts

Distance Wireless Charging Enhanced by Magnetic Metamaterials

Schematic diagram of the experimental setup used to transfer energy between two circuits, developed by UAB researchers. Credit: Jordi Prat

Schematic diagram of the experimental setup used to transfer energy between two circuits, developed by UAB researchers. Credit: Jordi Prat

Researchers have developed a system which efficiently transfers electrical energy between 2 separate circuits. The system, made with a shell of metamaterials which concentrates the magnetic field, could transmit energy efficiently enough to charge mobile devices without having to place them close to the charging base. Wireless charging of mobile devices is possibly one of the most desired technological milestones. Some devices can already be charged wirelessly by placing the mobile device on top of a charging base. The next step, charging devices without the need of taking them out of one’s pocket, might be just around the corner.

A new system can effic...

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