DNA-Based Electromechanical Switch tagged posts

DNA-Based Electromechanical Switch Demonstrated

The A-form of DNA between two electrodes. Credit: Image courtesy of University of California - Davis

The A-form of DNA between two electrodes. Credit: Image courtesy of University of California – Davis

Conductance of DNA can be modulated by controlling its structure, thus opening up the possibility of DNA’s future use as an electromechanical switch for nanoscale computing. Although DNA is commonly known for its biological role as the molecule of life, it has recently garnered significant interest for use as a nanoscale material for a wide-variety of applications.

Changing the structure of the DNA double helix by modifying its environment allows the conductance to be reversibly controlled. This ability to structurally modulate the charge transport properties may enable the design of unique nanodevices based on DNA...

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