Durable memories tagged posts

Brain Mechanism for Creating Durable Memories

This is a photograph of brain areas whose pattern of activation matched significantly while watching a video and remembering that same video. Credit: James Keidel

This is a photograph of brain areas whose pattern of activation matched significantly while watching a video and remembering that same video. Credit: James Keidel

Rehearsing information immediately after being given it may be all you need to make it a permanent memory, a new study suggests. Psychologists found that the same area of the brain activated when laying down a memory is also activated when rehearsing that memory. It has implications for any situation in which accurate recall of an event is critical, such as witnessing an accident or crime.

The study showed that the brain region known as the posterior cingulate – an area whose damage is often seen in those with Alzheimer’s – plays a crucial role in creating permanent memories...

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