dust samples retrieved by the Hayabusa-2 space probe tagged posts

Grains of Dust from Asteroid Ryugu Older than our Solar System

Grains of dust from Asteroid Ryugu older than our solar system
(a) Backscattered electron (BSE) image of Ryugu thin section A0058-2. Every black area consists of ∼20 NanoSIMS maps measured. (b) An area in section C0002 with a less altered lithology than the surrounding Ryugu matrix (“clast 1”; BSE image). This area contains Mg-rich olivine, low-Ca pyroxenes, and spinel grains with sizes up to ∼15 μm (Kawasaki et al. 2022). Two of three O-anomalous grains identified in Ryugu, including one likely presolar silicate (g)–(h), were found in this region. (c)–(e) Secondary electron (SE) image of a Ryugu particle pressed into gold foil in which two presolar SiC grains were detected. The C-anomalous regions, indicated by the white arrows, are clearly associated with 28Si hotspots. (f) 17O-rich presolar oxide found in the Ryugu A0058-2 matrix...
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