dysfunctional interneurons tagged posts

Repairing the Brain: Two genes unlock Potential for Treatment of Schizophrenia

This is an image of a cultured neuron with an added BDNF protein. Credit: Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore

This is an image of a cultured neuron with an added BDNF protein. Credit: Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore

Research has linked the abnormal behavior of 2 genes (BDNF and DTNBP1) to the underlying cause of schizophrenia. These findings have provided a new target for schizophrenia treatment. “In particular, we wanted to understand the ability of a specific type of …interneurons, to modulate brain network activity to maintain a balance in brain signalling.” said Assistant Professor Shawn Je, from the Neuroscience and Behavioural Disorders Programme at Duke-NUS.


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