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Human Amyloid-Beta acts as Natural Antibiotic in the Brain

beta-amyloid fibrils propagate from yeast surfaces and capture Candida albicans in culture medium. Credit: D.K.V. Kumar et al. / Science Translational Medicine (2016)

beta-amyloid fibrils propagate from yeast surfaces and capture Candida albicans in culture medium. Credit: D.K.V. Kumar et al. / Science Translational Medicine (2016)

A new study from Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) investigators provides additional evidence that amyloid-beta protein, deposited in the form of beta-amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s disease – is a normal part of the innate immune system, the body’s first-line defense against infection. Expression of human amyloid-beta (A-beta) was protective against potentially lethal infections in mice, in roundworms and in cultured human brain cells. The findings may lead to potential new therapeutic strategies and suggest limitations to therapies designed to eliminate amyloid plaques from patient’s brains.

“Neurodegeneration in Alzheime...

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