E. coli sensor tagged posts

New Sensor could help fight deadly Bacterial infections

Schematic diagram of the sensor structure

Schematic diagram of the sensor structure

The sensor can detect E. coli bacteria in 15-20 minutes, much faster than traditional lab tests, over a wide temperature range . E.coli can be transmitted in contaminated food and water, posing particular risks to children and the elderly. In the late spring of 2011 a serious outbreak of E.coli bacteria sickened thousands of people in Germany and killed more than 50. “Using currently available technologies, which are mostly based on amplification of the sample, it takes several hours to days to detect the presence of bacteria. A fast and accurate detection alternative is, therefore, preferable over the existing technology,” said Saurabh Mani Tripathi, a physicist at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.

The new sensor uses bacteriophages – viru...

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