E8 tagged posts

Stepping Beyond our 3D World : E8

The graph depicting the tensor product structure of the binary icosahedral group 2I is the same as the Dynkin diagram of affine E8.

The graph depicting the tensor product structure of the binary icosahedral group 2I is the same as the Dynkin diagram of affine E8.

Over centuries, humans have tried to discover a Theory of Everything. Possible candidates eg String Theory and Grand Unified Theory, require higher dimensions or higher-dimensional symmetries, eg 10 dimensions, despite their radical difference from the world we actually experience. One such symmetry – known as E8 – exists in 8 dimensions and is the largest symmetry without counterparts in every dimension and is therefore called exceptional. Now a scientist has constructed E8 for the first time, along with other exceptional 4D symmetries, in the 3D space we inhabit. These exceptional symmetries are essentially 3D phenomena in disguise.

Dr Dechant, who is al...

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