Earth’s cloud cover tagged posts

The Missing Link between Exploding Stars, Clouds, and Climate on Earth

Cosmic rays interacting with the Earth's atmosphere producing ions that helps turn small aerosols into cloud condensation nuclei -- seeds on which liquid water droplets form to make clouds. A proton with energy of 100 GeV interact at the top of the atmosphere and produces a cascade of secondary particles who ionize molecules when traveling through the air. One 100 GeV proton hits every m2 at the top of the atmosphere every second. Credit: Illustration: H. Svensmark/DTU

Cosmic rays interacting with the Earth’s atmosphere producing ions that helps turn small aerosols into cloud condensation nuclei — seeds on which liquid water droplets form to make clouds. A proton with energy of 100 GeV interact at the top of the atmosphere and produces a cascade of secondary particles who ionize molecules when traveling through the air. One 100 GeV proton hits every m2 at the top of the atmosphere every second. Credit: Illustration: H. Svensmark/DTU

Breakthrough in understanding of how cosmic rays from supernovae can influence Earth’s cloud cover and thereby climate...

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