Einstein’s theory of general relativity tagged posts

New Test by Deepest Galaxy Map finds Einstein’s theory stands true

A 3D map of the Universe spanning 12 to 14.5 billion light years. Credit: NAOJ; Partial data supplied by: CFHT, SDSS

A 3D map of the Universe spanning 12 to 14.5 billion light years. Credit: NAOJ; Partial data supplied by: CFHT, SDSS

An international team has made a 3D map of 3000 galaxies 13 billion light years from Earth, and found that Einstein’s general theory of relativity is still valid. Since it was discovered in the late 1990s that the universe is expanding at an accelerated rate, scientists have been trying to explain why. The mysterious dark energy could be driving acceleration, or Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which says gravity warps space and time, could be breaking down.

To test Einstein’s theory, a team of researchers used FastSound Survey data on more than 3000 distant galaxies to analyze their velocities and clustering...

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LISA Pathfinder will pave the way for us to ‘See’ Black Holes for the first time

Stick with me and I’ll show you the universe. Artist’s impression of LISA Pathfinder. ESA, CC BY-ND

Stick with me and I’ll show you the universe. Artist’s impression of LISA Pathfinder. ESA, CC BY-ND

LISA pathfinder mission will prepare the way for us to study violent events that we’ve never seen before – such as the creation of massive black holes. The probe is to test technology needed to launch another mission, eLISA, in 2034, which will aim to detect gravitational waves. Intriguingly, the project may also help us prove some of the most extreme aspects of 3Einstein’s theory of general relativity.

Defn: General relativity states that gravity is just a manifestation of the fact that mass causes the surrounding space to curve, and it is the curvature of space that dictates the path followed by any other object, or indeed by light...

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