electric-powered aircraft tagged posts

Engineering students have successfully built Singapore’s first personal flying machine: “Snowstorm”

Snowstorm, the personal flying machine. (Photo: S Shiva)

Snowstorm, the personal flying machine. (Photo: S Shiva)

Comprising an intricate design of motors, propellers and inflated landing gear set within a hexagonal frame, Snowstorm is an electric-powered aircraft capable of vertical take-off and landing that can be controlled by a single person seated within it. The NUS team envisions this as a clean and simple way to realise our dreams of flying.

The personal flying machine was built over a one-year period, under the auspices of FrogWorks, a collaboration between NUS Faculty of Engineering’s Design-Centric Programme (DCP) and the University Scholars Programme (USP). FrogWorks engages students in the study, design and construction of clean leisure craft, a rapidly growing segment of green technology...

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