electrical conductivity tagged posts

Next Generation Material that Adapts to its History

Material that learns
The shape and conductivity of the pillars formed by magnetic beads in a magnetic field depend on the fields’ strength and history.

Responsive material changes its behavior based on earlier conditions
Inspired by living systems, researchers at Aalto University have developed a new material that changes its electrical behaviour based on previous experience, effectively giving it a basic form of adaptive memory. Such adaptive materials could play a vital role in the next generation of medical and environmental sensors, as well as in soft robots or active surfaces.

Responsive materials have become common in a range of applications, from glasses that darken in sunlight to drug delivery systems...

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Plot twist: Straightening Single-molecule Conductors Improves their Performance

Abstract Image
Highly Planar and Completely Insulated Oligothiophenes: Effects of π-Conjugation on Hopping Charge Transport

Researchers have synthesized Nanowires made of a single molecule of oligothiophene up to 10 nanometers in length. By forcing the molecular chain to adopt a planar conformation, they were able to significantly its electrical conductivity.The findings may allow for a new generation of inexpensive high-tech devices, including smartphone screens and photovoltaics.

Carbon-based polymers, which are long molecular chains made of repeating units, can be found everywhere, from the rubber in the soles of your shoes to the proteins that make up your body...

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