electromagnetic radiation origin tagged posts

Stellar Corpse Sheds Light on Origin of Cosmic Rays

This composite image of the Crab Nebula was assembled with arbitrary color scaling by combining data from five telescopes spanning nearly the entire electromagnetic spectrum. (Image credits: NASA, ESA, NRAO/AUI/NSF and G. Dubner/University of Buenos Aires)

This composite image of the Crab Nebula was assembled with arbitrary color scaling by combining data from five telescopes spanning nearly the entire electromagnetic spectrum. (Image credits: NASA, ESA, NRAO/AUI/NSF and G. Dubner/University of Buenos Aires)

New research revealed that the entire zoo of electromagnetic radiation from the Crab nebula has its origin in one population of electrons and must be produced in a different way than traditionally thought. The results have implications for our understanding of how cosmic rays attain their incredible energies. Discovered more than 100 years ago and considered a potential health risk to airplane crews and astronauts, cosmic rays are believed to be produced by shock waves -eg. those resulting from supernova explosions...

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