electromyographic electrode sensors tagged posts

Brains of Endurance Trainers Communicate with Muscles Differently than Strength Trainers/Sedentary Individuals

While it is not immediately clear why the communication between the brain and muscle was different as a result of different types of exercise, it offers leads for new means of research into neuromechanical differences in muscle function, muscle performance, muscle stiffness and other areas.

A University of Kansas study shows that the communication between the brain and quadriceps muscles of people who take part in endurance training, such as running long distances, is different than those who regularly took part in resistance training and those who were sedentary. The findings may offer clues to the type of physical activity humans are most naturally suited to.

Assistant Prof Trent Herda and Postdoc student Michael Trevino conducted studies in which they measured muscle responses of 5 peo...

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