Energy Storage tagged posts

Dendritic Fibrous Nanosilica: All-in-one Nanomaterial for Energy, Environment and Health

Dendritic fibrous nanosilica (DFNS), also known as KCC-1, has a unique fibrous morphology and a high surface area with improved accessibility to the internal surface, tunable pore size and volume, controllable particle size, which made it useful in the fields of energy, environment, and health. Credit: Ayan Maity, Vivek Polshettiwar

Dendritic fibrous nanosilica (DFNS), also known as KCC-1, has a unique fibrous morphology and a high surface area with improved accessibility to the internal surface, tunable pore size and volume, controllable particle size, which made it useful in the fields of energy, environment, and health. Credit: Ayan Maity, Vivek Polshettiwar

Dendritic fibrous nanosilica (DFNS) attracted a great deal of attention in a large number of scientific disciplines such as catalysis, solar energy harvesting (photocatalysis, solar cells, etc...

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Coaxial Nanotubes used to Improve Performance of Lithium-Sulfur Batteries

Schematic illustration of polypyrrole-manganese dioxide (PPy-MnO2) coaxial nanotubes to accommodate sulfur for high-performance Li–S battery. Comparison of cyclic performance of S/PPy-MnO2 and S/PPy at 0.2C. (Reprinted with permission by American Chemical Society) (click on image to enlarge) Read more: Improving the performance of lithium-sulfur batteries with coaxial nanotubes

Schematic illustration of polypyrrole-manganese dioxide (PPy-MnO2) coaxial nanotubes to accommodate sulfur for high-performance Li–S battery. Comparison of cyclic performance of S/PPy-MnO2 and S/PPy at 0.2C. (Reprinted with permission by American Chemical Society) (click on image to enlarge) Read more: Improving the performance of lithium-sulfur batteries with coaxial nanotubes

University of Texas team has found that using coaxial nanotubes can improve the performance of lithium-sulfur batteries (Li-S).They used Polypyrrole-MnO2 coaxial nanotubes to overcome obstacles to using Li-S batteries in commercial products. Prior research has shown that Li-S batteries would offer users of electronics more energy storage—as much as 5X that of lithium-ion batteries...

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New Biofuel Cell with Energy Storage

The Bochum-based team: Piyanut Pinyou, Wolfgang Schuhmann, Sabine Alsaoub and Felipe Conzuelo (from left). Credit: © RUB, Marquard

The Bochum-based team: Piyanut Pinyou, Wolfgang Schuhmann, Sabine Alsaoub and Felipe Conzuelo (from left). Credit: © RUB, Marquard

Researchers have developed a hybrid of a fuel cell and capacitor on a biocatalytic basis. With the aid of enzymatic processes, what’s known as a biosupercapacitor efficiently generates and stores energy. The trick: the enzymes are embedded in a stable polymer gel, which can store a large amount of energy. Generating energy and saving it with as little loss as possible is one of the major challenges for today’s society. Energy production and storage usually take place in different systems – which is inefficient. This is different in the new biosupercapacitor, which combines both processes.

“Such a technology could, for instance, be interesting for miniaturised ...

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Supercondenser Stores Heat as Electricity

Storing heat as electricity. Credit: Image courtesy of Linköping Universitet

Storing heat as electricity. Credit: Image courtesy of Linköping Universitet

A supercondenser has been developed that can be charged by the sun. It contains no expensive or hazardous materials, has patents pending, and it should be fully possible to manufacture it on an industrial scale. In the future we could have a completely new type of energy storage, charged by heat energy – eg during the day when the sun shines, or by waste heat from an industrial process. The heat is converted to electricity, which can be stored until it is needed.

Simply put, a supercondenser is energy storage: a type of battery that consists of an electrolyte of ions between two electrodes. The charge is stored next to the electrodes, most often in carbon nanotubes...

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