entanglement created between two ensembles in the Bose-Einstein condensate tagged posts

A Quantum Entanglement between two physically Separated Ultra-cold Atomic Clouds

Illustration of the quantum entanglement achieved between the two clouds of atoms starting from a single Bose-Einstein condensate. Credit: Iagoba Apellaniz. UPV/EHU

Illustration of the quantum entanglement achieved between the two clouds of atoms starting from a single Bose-Einstein condensate. Credit: Iagoba Apellaniz. UPV/EHU

Scientists have achieved, in an experiment, quantum entanglement between 2 Bose-Einstein condensates, spatially separated from each other. Quantum entanglement was discovered by Schrödinger and later studied by Einstein and other scientists in the last century. The groups of entangled particles lose their individuality and behave as a single entity. Any change in one of the particles leads to an immediate response in the other, even if they are spatially separated...

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