epigenetic modifications tagged posts

New Study Unveils Epigenetic ‘Traffic Lights’ Controlling Stop and Go for Gene Activity

Extended Data Fig. 11
H3K4me3 facilitates the recruitment of factors regulating the release of paused RNAPII at the +1 nucleosome. The H3K4me3 at promoter regions is highly dynamic, and it is maintained by an equilibrium between SET1/COMPASS complexes and KDM5 demethylases at highly transcribed genes. The rapid turnover of H3K4me3 ensures that the pausing step is a highly regulated process by Integrator Complex Subunit 11 (INTS11), where an increase in H3K4me3 leads to a decrease in RNAPII pausing and acute depletion leads to an increase RNAPII pausing.

A major new study in the journal Nature reveals a ‘traffic light’ mechanism controlling genetic activity within cells – a system which could potentially be targeted by cancer drugs already in development...

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Researchers identify Key Regulator of Blood Stem Cell Development

Illustration of red and white blood cells. Credit: Shutterstock

A protein that masterminds the way DNA is wrapped within chromosomes has a major role in the healthy functioning of blood stem cells, which produce all blood cells in the body, according to a new study from researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine.

The protein, known as histone H3.3, organizes the spool-like structures around which DNA is wrapped in plants, animals and most other organisms. Histones enable DNA to be tightly compacted, and serve as platforms for small chemical modifications – known as epigenetic modifications – that can loosen or tighten the wrapped DNA to control local gene activity.

The study, which appeared Dec. 27 in Nature Cell Biology, examined H3...

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Identification of a Key Protein linked to Aging

Fig. 8
Scheme: role of CSB depletion in replicative senescence. Illustration of epigenetic regulation of CSB expression and its effect on downstream targets (a) regular CSB expression (b) low CSB levels leading to replicative senescence. Novel senescence effectors that are shared with the Cockayne syndrome paradigm (a disease due to CSB impairment in its most severe form) are shown in a framed area. Transcripts are indicated with a wavy line, active promoter with an arrow; Ac, acetyl group.

Ageing is a dramatic public health issue in the face of the current demographic changes: the proportion of 60 and over in the world’s population will almost double by 2050. In this context, a new discovery has just broadened scientific knowledge...

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