ERA tagged posts

Role of Estrogen in controlling Type 2 Diabetes

Image result for Texas A&M-led study explores the role of estrogen in controlling Type 2 diabetes
Dr. Guo (standing) with Wanbao Yang, a Ph.D. student in Guo’s lab at Texas A&M University. Yang was the second author of the study investigating the role of estrogen in control of glucose homeostasis. (Texas A&M AgriLife Research photo) Credit: Texas A&M AgriLife Research

The results of a recent study provide insights into the mechanism by which estrogen can decrease insulin resistance and the production of glucose, reducing incidences of Type 2 diabetes mellitus. The results of a recent Texas A&M University-led study provide insights into the mechanism by which estrogen can decrease insulin resistance and the production of glucose, reducing incidence of Type 2 diabetes mellitus.

The study, “Estrogen Improves Insulin Sensitivity and Suppresses Gluconeogenesis via the Transcription...

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NASA Aeronautics Combines Past, Present and Future in 2015: celebrating a century of innovation

The Boeing ecoDemonstrator 757 flight test airplane, makes a final approach to King County Field in Seattle, WA.

Two experiments that could reduce aviation’s impact on the environment flew aboard the Boeing ecoDemonstrator 757 flight test aircraft in 2015. Credits: Boeing / John D. Parker

Did you know NASA is with you when you fly? Here’s their 2015 aeronautics innovations incl. making air travel more fuel efficient, less harmful to the environment and much quieter, all the while enabling the skies to safely handle unprecedented growth in global air traffic that will increasingly include unmanned aircraft systems.

Within NASA, this work – in labs, workshops and wind tunnels throughout the nation, often in partnership with other federal agencies, industry and academia – is managed in D.C. by Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate, ARMD...

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