ethane tagged posts

Titan’s Lakes can Stratify like those on Earth

Saturn’s moon Titan hosts numerous small lakes, dried lakebeds, and disappearing lakes.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASI/USGS (Modified from original)

Lakes on Saturn’s moon Titan, composed of methane, ethane, and nitrogen rather than water, experience density driven stratification, forming layers similar to lakes on Earth. However, whereas lakes on Earth stratify in response to temperature, Titan’s lakes stratify solely due to the strange chemical interactions between its surface liquids and atmosphere, says a paper by Planetary Science Institute Research Scientist Jordan Steckloff.

Stratification occurs when different parts of a lake have different densities, with the less dense layer floating atop the denser layer...

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Oil Production Releases more Methane than Previously Thought

 Graph showing the sources of methane from oil production since 1980. Click to enlarge. ©Höglund-Isaksson 2017

Graph showing the sources of methane from oil production since 1980. Click to enlarge. ©Höglund-Isaksson 2017

Global methane and ethane emissions from oil production from 1980 to 2012 were far higher than previous estimates show, according to a new study which for the first time takes into account different production management systems and geological conditions around the world. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas, which scientists rank as the second-most important contributor to climate change after CO2. Yet while methane concentrations in the atmosphere can be easily measured, it is difficult to determine the contribution of different sources, whether human or natural.

“In an oil reservoir, there is a layer of gas above the oil which has a methane content of 50 to 85%...

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