existing topographic models tagged posts

New Technique Offers More Precise Maps of the Moon’s Surface

Pre-existing models for the Ina irregular mare patch (A, C, D) compared to more detailed and sharper shape-from-shading models from the study (B, E).
Pre-existing models for the Ina irregular mare patch (A, C, D) compared to more detailed and sharper shape-from-shading models from the study (B, E).

A new study by Brown University researchers may help redefine how scientists map the surface of the Moon, making the process more streamlined and precise than ever before.

Published in the Planetary Science Journal, the research by Brown scholars Benjamin Boatwright and James Head describes enhancements to a mapping technique called shape-from-shading. The technique is used to create detailed models of lunar terrain, outlining craters, ridges, slopes and other surface hazards...

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