exotic molecular and polymeric compounds tagged posts

Scientists discover what extraordinary Compounds may be hidden inside Uranus and Neptune

The interior structure of Uranus is illustrated. Credit: MIPT Press office

The interior structure of Uranus is illustrated. Credit: MIPT Press office

The depths of Uranus, Neptune and their satellites may contain extraordinary compounds, such as Carbonic and Orthocarbonic acids (aka Hitler’s acid). These gas giants consist mainly of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen, which are the 3 cornerstones of organic chemistry. Using computer modeling, chemists from MIPT and Skoltech found at high pressures, typical for the interiors of such planets, exotic molecular and polymeric compounds are formed. “We have found that at a pressure of several million atmospheres unexpected compounds should form in their interiors. The cores of these planets may largely consist of these exotic materials,” says Prof. Artem Oganov.

A team led by Professor Oganov developed the world’s most univer...

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