exploding stars tagged posts

Exploding Stars are Rare but Emit Torrents of Radiation—one close enough to Earth could Threaten Life on the Planet

Massive dying stars emit large amounts of radiation. NASA/ESA/Hubble SM4 ERO Team via AP

Stars like the sun are remarkably constant. They vary in brightness by only 0.1% over years and decades, thanks to the fusion of hydrogen into helium that powers them. This process will keep the sun shining steadily for about 5 billion more years, but when stars exhaust their nuclear fuel, their deaths can lead to pyrotechnics.

The sun will eventually die by growing large and then condensing into a type of star called a white dwarf. But stars more than eight times more massive than the sun die violently in an explosion called a supernova.

Supernovae happen across the Milky Way only a few times a century, and these violent explosions are usually remote enough that people here on Earth don’t n...

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