fabrication of organic LEDs and new classes of organic solar cells tagged posts

Organic Computers are coming

The energy levels of the studied systems and a synchrotron X-ray diffractogram measured on a thin film of an organic semiconductor doped with a derivative of [3]-radialene. Credit: The Lomonosov Moscow State University

The energy levels of the studied systems and a synchrotron X-ray diffractogram measured on a thin film of an organic semiconductor doped with a derivative of [3]-radialene. Credit: The Lomonosov Moscow State University

Scientists found a Molecule that will help to make organic electronic devices. A derivative of [3]-radialene, a molecule known to the science for nearly 30 years, can be used to create organic semiconductors. Dmitry Ivanov, Moscow State University, believes the achievement will greatly contribute to the development of organic electronics and, in particular, to fabrication of organic LEDs and new classes of organic solar cells.

Organic or “plastic” electronics is a relatively young scientific field, which came to life about 15-20 years ago...

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