farthest galaxy tagged posts

The Farthest Galaxy in the universe

A starfield
Far far away. Due to the expansion of the universe, even though the galaxy GN-z11 is 13.4 billion years old, the light from it has travelled 32 billion light years to reach us. Image: Pixabay CC-0

Chemical Signatures give away the distance to the most distant galaxy

A team of astronomers used the Keck I telescope to measure the distance to an ancient galaxy. They deduced the target galaxy GN-z11 is not only the oldest galaxy but also the most distant. It’s so distant it defines the very boundary of the observable universe itself. The team hopes this study can shed light on a period of cosmological history when the universe was only a few hundred million years old.

We’ve all asked ourselves the big questions at times: “How big is the universe?” or “How and when did galaxies form?”...

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Peering back in time to just after the Big Bang: Farthest Galaxy ever detected EGS8p7

Galaxy EGS8p7 as seen from space telescopes.

Galaxy EGS8p7, as seen from the Hubble Space Telescope (wide and top right) and Spitzer Space Telescope (inset, bottom right), taken in infrared. Credit: I. Labb̩ (Leiden University), NASA/ESA/JPL-Caltech РSee more at: http://www.caltech.edu/news/farthest-galaxy-detected-47761#sthash.HzTzLROU.dpuf

Researchers have reported the detection of the farthest object yet, galaxy EGS8p7. At >13.2 billion years old, it provides a fascinating glimpse of the very early universe, just 600,000 years after the Big Bang.

Earlier this year, EGS8p7 had been identified as a candidate for investigation based on Hubble and Spitzer data. Using the multi-object spectrometer for infrared exploration (MOSFIRE) at the W.M...

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