fast X-ray transients tagged posts

2 new Fast X-ray Transients discovered in the Galactic Plane

Two new Fast X-ray Transients discovered in the Galactic plane

IBIS/ISGRI ScW image sequence (22–60 keV) from number 25 to 27 (revolution 1614) of the newly discovered transient source IGR J20344+3913 (encircled). Credit: Sguera et al., 2016.

Astronomers have identified two new X-ray sources in the galactic plane with short outbursts and very fast rise times, a category known as fast X-ray transients (FXTs). The newly detected FXTs were found in the archival data of ESA’s INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory (NTEGRAL) spacecraft. FXTs are very difficult to detect because they occur at unpredictable locations and times and their activity is very brief. INTEGRAL is one of the space observatories capable of detecting such elusive X-ray sources...

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