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Nearly 80 Exoplanet candidates identified in record time

NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope orbits the Sun in concert with the Earth, slowly drifting away from Earth. Credit: NASA Kepler Mission/Dana Berry

NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope orbits the Sun in concert with the Earth, slowly drifting away from Earth. Credit: NASA Kepler Mission/Dana Berry

Search considered successful ‘dress rehearsal’ for exoplanet hunter TESS. Scientists at MIT and elsewhere have analyzed data from K2, the follow-up mission to NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope, and have discovered a trove of possible exoplanets amid some 50,000 stars. Scientists report the discovery of nearly 80 new planetary candidates, including a particular standout: a likely planet that orbits the star HD 73344, which would be the brightest planet host ever discovered by the K2 mission.

The planet appears to orbit HD 73344 every 15 days, and based on the amount of light that it blocks each time it passes in front of its star, scientists estimate ...

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