fat density tagged posts

Why Belly Fat is Dangerous for the Heart

Know your risks for metabolic syndrome. Credit: Image courtesy of American College of Cardiology

Know your risks for metabolic syndrome. Credit: Image courtesy of American College of Cardiology

Increasing stomach fat – especially the “hidden fat” in your abdomen – is associated with newly identified and worsening heart disease risk factors, according to a study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. These adverse changes in cardiovascular risk were evident over a relatively short period of time and persisted even after accounting for changes in body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference, two commonly used methods to estimate whether someone is a healthy weight or not.

Previous studies have shown that people who carry excess abdominal fat around their midsection -“spare tire”- tend to face higher risks of heart disease compared to people who have fat elsewhe...

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