fat metabolism tagged posts

Biologists reveal how Obesity Damages the Skeletal Muscle Metabolism

Roles of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in skeletal muscle metabolism. Credit: The University of Hong Kong

A decline in metabolism and endurance of skeletal muscle is commonly observed in obese patients, but the underlying mechanism is not well-understood. A research team led by Dr. Chi Bun Chan, Assistant Professor from School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, the University of Hong Kong (HKU), uncovers a new mechanism to explain how obesity jeopardizes the functions of skeletal muscle and provides a potential treatment against the disease. The research findings have recently been published in the journal Autophagy.

Obesity is a metabolic disorder with increasing prevalence in modern society...

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Loss of a Specific Enzyme Boosts Fat Metabolism and Exercise Endurance in mice

mouse exercise

Blocking the activity of a fat-regulating enzyme in the muscles of mice leads to an increased capacity for endurance exercise, according to the results of a new study. Sugars and fats are the primary fuels that power every cell, tissue and organ. For most cells, sugar is the energy source of choice, but when nutrients are scarce, such as during starvation or extreme exertion, cells will switch to breaking down fats instead.

The mechanisms for how cells rewire their metabolism in response to changes in resource availability are not yet fully understood, but new research reveals a surprising consequence when one such mechanism is turned off: an increased capacity for endurance (exercise.

In a study published in the Aug...

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Scientists find Brain Hormone that triggers Fat Burning

FLP-7 and NPR-22 function as a fat regulatory neuroendocrine ligand-receptor pair in vivo.

FLP-7 and NPR-22 function as a fat regulatory neuroendocrine ligand-receptor pair in vivo.

Biologists at TSRI have identified a brain hormone that appears to trigger fat burning in the gut. Their findings in animal models could have implications for future pharmaceutical development. “This was basic science that unlocked an interesting mystery,” said TSRI Assistant Professor Supriya Srinivasan. Previous studies had shown that serotonin can drive fat loss. Yet no one was sure exactly how.

To answer that question, Srinivasan and her colleagues experimented with C. elegans, which are often used as model organisms in biology...

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Low-Fat Diet Results in More fat loss than Low-Carb Diet


Some of the most precise human data yet on whether cutting carbs or fat has the most benefits for losing body fat has been presented by US National Institutes of Health. The researchers show how, contrary to popular claims, restricting dietary fat can lead to greater body fat loss than carb restriction, even though a low-carb diet reduces insulin and increases fat burning.

Since 2003, Kevin Hall, PhD—a physicist turned metabolism researcher at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases—has been using data from dozens of controlled feeding studies conducted over decades of nutrition research to build mathematical models of how different nutrients affect human metabolism and body weight...

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