fatty food tagged posts

Our ability to Focus may Falter after eating one meal high in Saturated fat

Study participants’ loss of focus after a single meal was eye-opening for the researchers.
Photo: Shutterstock.com

Study also looks at effect of leaky gut on concentration. Fatty food may feel like a friend during these troubled times, but new research suggests that eating just one meal high in saturated fat can hinder our ability to concentrate – not great news for people whose diets have gone south while they’re working at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The study compared how 51 women performed on a test of their attention after they ate either a meal high in saturated fat or the same meal made with sunflower oil, which is high in unsaturated fat.

Their performance on the test was worse after eating the high-saturated-fat meal than after they ate the meal containing a heal...

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Fish Oil vs. Lard: Why some Fat can Help or Hinder your Diet

Consuming fish oil instead of lard makes a significant difference in brain function. New research shows that brain function remains normal and manages to restrain from eating more than necessary when this type of fat is consumed. Credit: © colnihko / Fotolia

Consuming fish oil instead of lard makes a significant difference in brain function. New research shows that brain function remains normal and manages to restrain from eating more than necessary when this type of fat is consumed. Credit: © colnihko / Fotolia

A diet high in saturated fat can make your brain struggle to control what you eat, says a new study in Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. If people are looking to lose weight, stay clear of saturated fat. Consuming these types of fatty food affects a part of the brain called the hypothalamus, which helps regulate hunger. The fat causes inflammation that impedes the brain to control the food intake. In other words, people struggle to control how much they eat, when to stop and what type of food to eat – symptoms seen in obesity.

The s...

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