FBOT tagged posts

Dying Stars’ Cocoons might explain Fast Blue Optical Transients

The cocoon (with jet inside) escapes from the collapsing star.

First model that is fully consistent with all FBOT observations. Ever since they were discovered in 2018, fast blue optical transients (FBOTs) have utterly surprised and completely confounded both observational and theoretical astrophysicists.

So hot that they glow blue, these mysterious objects are the brightest known optical phenomenon in the universe. But with only a few discovered so far, FBOTs’ origins have remained elusive.

Now a Northwestern University astrophysics team presents a bold new explanation for the origin of these curious anomalies. Using a new model, the astrophysicists believe FBOTs could result from the actively cooling cocoons that surround jets launched by dying stars...

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Super-bright Stellar Explosion is likely a Dying Star giving Birth to a Black Hole or Neutron Star

Caption:An artist’s impression of the mysterious burst AT2018cow.
Credits:Credit: National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

The discovery, based on an usual event dubbed ‘the Cow,’ may offer astronomers a new way to spot infant compact objects. A powerful cosmic burst dubbed AT2018cow, or ‘the Cow,’ was much faster and brighter than any stellar explosion astronomers had seen. They have now determined it was likely a product of a dying star that, in collapsing, gave birth to a compact object in the form of a black hole or neutron star.

In June of 2018, telescopes around the world picked up a brilliant blue flash from the spiral arm of a galaxy 200 million light years away...

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