ferromagnetism tagged posts

Altermagnetism Experimentally Demonstrated

The direction of an electron spin is determined by the direction of motion of electrons. (ill.: Hans-Joachim Elmers)

Researchers have been able to visualize the third class of magnetism, called altermagnetism, in action. Ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism have long been known to scientists as two classes of magnetic order of materials. Back in 2019, researchers at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) postulated a third class of magnetism, called altermagnetism. This altermagnetism has been the subject of heated debate among experts ever since, with some expressing doubts about its existence...

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Spintronics Development gets boost with new findings into Ferromagnetism in Mn-doped GaAs

Fig.1: Crystal structure of (Ga,Mn)As. Mn ions substituted for Ga have a magnetic moment, and the magnetic moment of each Mn ion aligns along the same direction when (Ga,Mn)As becomes a ferromagnet. Credit: Seigo Souma

Fig.1: Crystal structure of (Ga,Mn)As. Mn ions substituted for Ga have a magnetic moment, and the magnetic moment of each Mn ion aligns along the same direction when (Ga,Mn)As becomes a ferromagnet. Credit: Seigo Souma

A research group at Tohoku University’s WPI-AIMR has succeeded in finding the origin and the mechanism of ferromagnetism in Mn-doped GaAs. The discovery is significant as it will accelerate the development of the spintronic element. GaAs, like silicon, is a well-known semiconductor commonly used in high-speed electronic devices and laser diodes.

When manganese (Mn) atoms are doped into a GaAs crystal ((Ga,Mn)As), the crystal exhibits characteristics and properties of both the semiconductor and magnet...

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Best of both worlds: Ferromagnetism and Semiconductor for Spintronics

Ferromagnetism and semiconductor spintronics offer new opportunities for improving electronics. Credit: The Story Laboratory, LLC

Ferromagnetism and semiconductor spintronics offer new opportunities for improving electronics. Credit: The Story Laboratory, LLC

More, faster, better, cheaper. These are the demands of our device-happy and data-centered world. Meeting these demands requires technologies for processing and storing information. Now, a significant obstacle to the development of next-generation device technologies appears to have been overcome. The team is the first to report growing iron-doped ferromagnetic semiconductors working at room temperature – a longstanding physical constraint. Ferromagnetic semiconductors are valued for their potential to enhance device functionality by utilizing the spin degrees of freedom of electrons in semiconductor devices.

“Bridging semiconductor and magnetism is desirable be...

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An Unusual Magnetic effect found in Nanolayers of an oxide of Lanthanum & Manganese (LaMnO3)


The research revealed an abrupt magnetic transition brought about by the slightest change in thickness of the layer. Materials with exceptional electronic and magnetic properties are of great importance for many apps. A particularly versatile class of materials are the ‘perovskite oxides’.

Twente University researchers have discovered a special effect relating to the magnetism of one of such perovskite-oxides; lanthanum-manganese-oxide. This material consists of stackings of LaMnO3 unit cells, quite comparable to stacking of LEGO but the building blocks are only 0.4nm in size.

The new discovery is that the magnetism in these layers is switched on abruptly when the number of LaMnO3 building blocks changes from 5 to 6...

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